Thursday, October 1, 2009


I read these books lately and basically ill recommend them to any open minded soul out there...
books are so epic anyways, im showing these 2 cause i dont wanna be one of those people pushing 1 book in your faces... hahaha you know what I mean

1. The Sun Rises In The Evening - Osho
basically nothing matters. dance, sing and please try to smile...

2. Soledad Brother - The Prison Letters Of George Jackson
one of the most powerful books I have every read. This lad was arrested in the early 70's cause he was in a car and the driver stole $70 from a petrol station. Jackson went on to serve a lifetime sentence and an even worse fate. Letters to his family and also other revolutionaries such as Angela Davis show a life inside the system of Neo Slavery AKA CAPITALISM...

peace and love
brothers and sisters

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