Wednesday, August 26, 2009


We are off to the Pool Tradeshow in Vegas next week, looking forward to having a holiday with Antoine and catching up with my friends...

Also we are having a sale at Palestine.
Damo, Karla, Deazi and Shnookums will all be at the store the next 2 weeks from the 29th selling our current and old stock. But the best thing is that you can also buy our friends pre loved clothes... so its like a stylist has already gone to an op shop for you

peace and love

p.s. here is the shirt that we made just for the trip...


Jordan said...

where are you from and what was this t shirt for? it's kind of crazy man. it's not for sale ay! pretty dope.

Pete Versus Toby said...

we be from Byron Bay, planet Earth. hahaha this shirt was made for our recent trip to the states... sometimes you have to shock people to wake them up.

cheers lad